HMIC Reports welcomed

The Chair of the Northern Ireland Policing Board has welcomed the publication of two new Inspection Reports which consider the efficiency and effectiveness of the PSNI.

Completed by Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC) the Reports examine how the PSNI uses resources to discharge key responsibilities and provide a graded assessment of strengths and areas for improvement.

Speaking about the findings, Board Chair Anne Connolly said:

“These Reports provide us with an independent professional policing assessment of how the PSNI is performing and discharging its responsibilities in a number of key areas.

Whilst the assessments make some very positive comments around how the PSNI currently uses resources to meet and manage policing current demands, there are some areas of the Report that cause concern and will require immediate attention by the PSNI.

In the assessment completed, the particular policing challenges for the PSNI have been highlighted and the actual cost impacts these have on day to day resourcing and capability.

Given the focus, priority and commitment that the PSNI has given to keeping people safe and ensuring the protection of vulnerable people, it is disappointing that inconsistency in approach across a number of areas has been identified.

The Board will now consider the Reports in detail with the Chief Constable and actions that need to be taken to redress the areas that require improvement.”

Board Members will be briefed on the Reports by HMIC Mike Cunningham at the August Board meeting and will discuss the findings with the Chief Constable. 


For further information, please contact the Policing Board's Communications Branch on 07801 738795