Statement on Arrangements for the Provision of Free Period Products

Details of Specified Public Service Body

Name of Specified Public Service Body

Northern Ireland Policing Board

Main Address of Specified Public Service Body

James House, Block D
2 – 4 Cromac Avenue
The Gasworks

Location of sites where free period products are available

All female, unisex and accessible toilet facilities within NIPB premises.


Publication Details 

Date of first publication

Dates of subsequent publication

12th May 2024.

Where will this Statement be published?


The Statement on Arrangements will be published on the NIPB website and the Internal intranet page. It will also be displayed on general notice boards positioned throughout the NIPB demise.



Details of Consultation Carried Out

WHEN was the consultation carried out?



The consultation process ran from 26th February 2024 until 22nd April 2024.




WHO was consulted?


Board Members, NIPB staff and all visitors were invited to participate in the 8-week consultation process.

HOW did the consultation process establish:

  1. the ways in which product users ought to be able to obtain free period products?


The Board has provided free period
products since 2019. All participants were asked, via a questionnaire, if the current method of obtaining products was adequate. Participants were provided the opportunity to suggest changes to the current arrangements.
  1. the locations in the SPSBs premises in which period products ought to be obtainable free of charge?
All participants were asked, via a questionnaire, if the current locations for obtaining products was adequate. Participants were also provided the opportunity to suggest changes to the current arrangements.
  1. the types of period products which ought to be available?

Participants were asked to select which products they thought should be available from a range of 8 options (including reusable products).

Participants were also provided with the opportunity to suggest other products that were not on the list provided.

HOW did the consultation have regard for:


  1. the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of product users; and
The paper responses were deposited anonymously in a drop box to ensure confidentiality. The drop boxes were placed in multiple areas to allow for privacy when depositing a response.
  1. articles which are reusable.

Participants were asked to select which products they thought should be available from a range of 8 options (including reusable products).

Participants were also provided with the opportunity to suggest other products that were not on the list provided.


The Arrangements

What arrangements are being put in place as a result of the consultation? 

The Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) carried out an 8-week consultation process relating to the provision of free period products as detailed in the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022.

In conjunction with Departmental guidance, the results from the consultation process have been used to develop arrangements for the provision of free period products at the Board. The consultation process sought to establish how a suitable range of free period products could be made easily obtainable in such a way as to respect the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of visitors and staff. Consultation questionnaires (electronic and paper) did not record or request any identifying information beyond whether the participant was a staff member, Board member or visitor.

The Policing Board has been providing free period products to staff and visitors from 2019. This provision included the supply of two different product types located in all female, unisex and accessible toilets. The consultation process sought views from participants on both the range/type of products supplied and the locations in which they were available. With regard to obtaining products in such a way as to respect dignity, privacy and confidentiality, 96% of respondents indicated that the current method/location was appropriate.

The consultation process also sought the view of respondents in terms of which products should be made available. Participants were provided with a list of 8 options which included a selection of reusable products. In addition, respondents could also highlight appropriate alternative products not on the original list provided.

In terms of responses received, 71% of participants replied that Pads should be made available whilst 68% indicated a preference for Applicator Tampons. These two options were the most popular selections during the consultation process. The Policing Board currently supply these two options as part of their existing provision.

A high percentage (54%) of respondents also indicated a preference for Panty Liners. Only 3% of participants expressed a preference for reusable products.

As a result of the consultation and in conjunction with Departmental guidance, the NIPB will extend their current provision of free period products to include Panty Liners to ensure a suitable range of products and absorbencies are available. Products will continue to be made available in all female, unisex and accessible toilets. Toilet facilities consist of individual private self-contained units. Free period products will be available at all times when the building is in use. 

Products will be available in their original outer packaging from dispensing units located within the above-mentioned toilet facilities. Stock levels of each product type will be checked on a regular basis by cleaning staff. Information on toxic shock syndrome will be made available in each dispensing location.

In line with Departmental guidance, the availability and locations of free period products within the NIPB demise will be advertised at the entrance lobby of toilet facilities and on notice boards in order to respect the dignity, privacy and confidentiality of individuals. This Statement of Arrangements document detailing the provision of free period products within the NIPB demise will be published on the NIPB internal intranet and external website.


The Arrangements – other details

Free period products supplied within the Policing Board demise will be procured through the existing CPD ID 2415043 Cleaning Services Contract.

Publicising the Arrangements 

Information leaflets detailing the availability and location of free period products will be created and displayed at the toilet lobby entrance and general access notice boards throughout the demise. All relevant literature will highlight both the availability of products but also that the provision is free to users. This Statement of Arrangements will be published on the NIPB internal intranet site and their external facing website.