Committee briefed on Body Worn Video pilot scheme

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Members of the Performance Committee were recently given a detailed briefing from Chief Superintendent Chris Noble on the PSNI’s Body Worn Video pilot scheme and the plans for future rollout.

Further to recommendations in the Board’s Thematic Review in 2009, PSNI initiated a pilot of Body Worn Video in G District (Foyle, Magherafelt, Limavady and Strabane areas) in June 2014, which was extended by a further 3 months in order to allow more data to be gathered.

Speaking about the pilot Jonathan Craig MLA, Chair of the Board’s Performance Committee said:

“The use of Body Worn Video is something the Board has called for and supported for a number of years, particularly in relation to the potential evidence which can be gathered at crime scenes. The Boards 2009 Human Rights Thematic Review on Domestic Abuse recognised the benefits of using such equipment particularly when recording evidence to support prosecution and court cases.

I welcome the very positive feedback from the pilot scheme including from officers using the technology and also Criminal Justice partners in relation to quality of footage that has been made available for cases going forward to court for prosecution. This clearly shows the use of such kit can be of benefit to both officers and victims by providing vital evidence of crimes.”

During the meeting police officers involved in the pilot gave Members a demonstration of the video equipment. Discussions followed and issues raised included lessons learned, overall costs, training, distribution to officers and future rollout plans.

Jonathan Craig added: “Whilst the benefits of this emerging technology are apparent we must also be mindful of its impact in relation to human rights legislation. The Board will continue to support the use of this equipment and will monitor the progress being made by PSNI in its procurement and future rollout across Districts.”


For more information please contact the Policing Board’s Communications Office on 07801738795.

Notes to Editors

Committee Members Present: Jonathan Craig MLA (Chair), Brice Dickson, Ryan Feeney, Gerry Kelly MLA, Trevor Lunn MLA, David McIlveen MLA, Gearóid Ó hEára (Vice Chair), Brian Rea, and Caitríona Ruane MLA.

Notes to Editors Ends