Board publishes confidence in policing research

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Board publishes confidence in policing research

The Policing Board has published research on public confidence in policing, the first of its kind to be conducted within a Northern Ireland (NI) context.

The research, carried out by the University of Ulster on behalf of the Board, examines the key drivers and dynamics that underpin police confidence at a community level across NI.

Speaking about the Research Report Board Chair Anne Connolly said:

“Assessing public satisfaction with the police service and levels of confidence within communities is an important role of the Board and I welcome the research that has been undertaken in this area.

The research highlights the complexities of not only measuring confidence in policing but also identifying the key drivers for public confidence. Findings show that confidence is so much more than police simply ‘doing a good job’ or ‘more officers on the ground’. Openness, honesty and transparency in the police approach and how this is communicated are key factors that influence public opinion – and go some way in managing community expectation. The research also recognises the importance of using a wide range of measures to fully assess confidence in the police.

Issues identified in the report will require further analysis and the Board will use this research to inform its work and that of the PSNI going forward.”


For more information please contact the Policing Board’s Communications Office on 07801738795.

Notes to Editors

  • The research report: ‘The key drivers of public confidence in Northern Ireland’ can be downloaded from the Board’s website by clicking here.
  • Research Methodology: This research was conducted during February - May 2014, involving a survey of all PCSP Members in Northern Ireland. In total, 164 out of a potential 506 (32%) responses were received, with 30% of respondents indicating political affiliation, and 70% indicating independent status.

Based on the latest academic research related to public confidence in police, the survey sought the views on public perceptions of the PSNI; processes of communication between the police and public; processes of interaction between the PSNI and public; nature of public encounters with PSNI; service delivered by the police; and politics and security considerations to policing.

Notes to Editors Ends