Board Chair statement on disorder and mutual aid request

Policing Board Chair Mukesh Sharma MBE DL said:

“I along with the Board Vice Chair met with the Chief Constable earlier today to receive an update on the policing response.

The Chief Constable and his officers and staff are working round the clock to provide assurance to people within the community who are afraid, dealing with sporadic violence, and bringing to swift justice those responsible for inciting hatred and perpetrating attacks on people, property and the police.  

Those who have been engaged in the violence and disorder that manifested over the last few days are intent on creating a climate of fear where people don’t feel safe and are afraid. If hate crime is to be eradicated from our society, then it needs a collective societal response, in parallel with a policing one.

We share in the strong words of condemnation from political and civic leadership, as well as the widespread support being voiced for policing.  

We thank all the PSNI officers and staff who are working to protect the community and trust that all those who have been injured make a full recovery.

The Board has serious concerns about resourcing levels within policing, and the capability and capacity of the service to meet everyday policing. The events of the last week have brought this into even sharper focus.

Whilst the Chief Constable has moved to secure mutual aid in the interim, resourcing of policing to ensure a safe society for all needs urgent attention.  

The Chief Constable has clearly stated and demonstrated that those engaging in violence and those responsible for its organisation will be brought to justice. It is important that a criminal justice message is sent that the criminality we have witnessed has serious consequences.  We urge anyone with information to provide it to the police and to continue to report any other incidents of concern. 

The Chief Constable will provide a full report on the policing response to the September Board meeting.”