Board Chair condemns assaults on police officers

Board Chair

Speaking about the number of assaults on police officers, Policing Board Chair Deirdre Toner said: 

“It is shocking that on average, 8 police officers are assaulted every single day in their service to the community.  

Being attacked is not anybody’s ‘normal day’ at work. Assaults against police officers are condemned by the Board and must be condemned right across the community.  The Board called for tougher sentencing for those who attack police and other emergency service workers and welcomes the recent commitment by the Justice Minister to bring forward legislation to address this. 

These incidents have a serious impact on individuals and on the Service so it remains crucial that those who have been subject to attack receive the proper Occupational Health and Welfare support from the Police Service. The Board will continue its discussions with the Chief Constable on this important issue.”


For further information please contact the Board’s Communications Office on 028 9040 8500 

Notes to Editors: 

Read the PSNI statement here on officer assaults here: Eight police officers per day assaulted | PSNI

Human Rights Review of Police Officers and Staff: In this review, published in December 2022, the Board recorded its concerns about the increasing number of assaults and attacks on officers and called for a review of the current legislation regarding penalties for attacks and assaults so that it properly reflects the risks and dangers officers can face in their service to the community (Review of the Human Rights of Police Officers and Staff (