Policing Response to East Atrim UDA

Date asked:
Board Member:Dolores Kelly
Question type:Written


In light of the serious issues raised in the recent Spotlight programme about the illegal, criminal activities of East Antrim UDA can the CC assure the board that there is a comprehensive, robust policing response aimed at bringing these criminals before the courts and this is a priority. 


The South East Antrim Ulster Defence Association (SEA UDA) remains one of five groups currently under investigation by the Paramilitary Crime Task Force (PCTF).

A Detective Chief Superintendent has recently been appointed as the Senior Reporting Officer for paramilitary investigations, with responsibility for the development and instigation of a strategy to specifically tackle the leadership of paramilitary organisations.

The PCTF brings together the resources and the skill sets of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), National Crime Agency (NCA) and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to frustrate, disrupt and dismantle the SEA UDA.

Within the PCTF, PSNI and NCA resources are matched to the top two tiers of offending, specifically SEA UDA’s leadership group and mid-level criminality conducted by its members. PCTF also work closely with colleagues from within District Policing Command who have implemented a local drugs strategy to target not only street-level offending, but also to support the victims and ensure wrap around support is provided to signpost those individuals from harm.  

In line with the PSNI’s ‘Prevention First’ Strategy, Fresh Start funding has been made available for youth initiatives to support those young people in Mid and East Antrim who are vulnerbale to paramilitary control.  PSNI are also working with the Irish FA, Ulster Rugby, Ulster GAA and the Belfast Giants to deliver a new and innovative programmes across Fresh Start Areas.

Recent successes against SEA UDA have included:

  • A male being convicted at court for Possession of a Prohibited Weapon (a stun gun) and Possession of an Offensive Weapon in a Public Place (Friction Lock Baton).
  • A male being convicted at court for Possession of Ammunition in Suspicious Circumstances drug offences.
  • A female being convicted at court for Possession of Controlled Drugs and Possession of Criminal Property.
  • A male being charged with Possession of an Article likely to be of use in Terrorism following the recovery of an Imitation Forearm and UDA paraphernalia
  • Four males being charged and one male reported with conspiracy to supply Class A drugs following the recovery of in excess of 1kg of Cocaine.

Dolores Kelly - SDLP