Engagement with BAME community

Date asked:
Board Member:Dolores Kelly
Question type:Written


To ask the CC what engagements police have had with the BAME community to rebuild confidence in policing


Engagement with members of the Black, Asian and other ethnic groups since the BLM protest in June 2020 has proved challenging owing to COVID19 and the associated restrictions.  However, since the release of both the Policing Board’s Thematic Review of the Policing Response to COVID 19, the PONI Statutory report into the Policy and Practice of Policing Protests and following the Chief Constable apology in Dec 2020, a series of difficult conversations have resumed online.

The Chief Constable has also commissioned the services of an independent specialist community engagement organisation, with a proven track record in London and Greater Manchester called Mutual Gain, to help mediate and create a pathway to rebuilding trust. These sessions will help lead the way on informing our future approach to engagement at a strategic and operation level.

The aim is to increase our understanding and develop stronger networks with diverse communities and community groups and use these relationships to inform our policing style and approach. The concept is founded on the basis of co-design and participation with community representatives, critical friends and academic partners.  One of a series of three sessions have already taken place and further Police led discussions outside this framework have also reached out and listened to a wide range of voices, including the organiser of one of the Protests.

There undoubtedly remain issues of trust and confidence in policing for some individuals, in particular with regard to the issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices at the Black Lives Matters events.  We acknowledge that trust will take time and space to rebuild.  From our early outreach and engagement, it is our hope that there is a willingness to reset and rebuild that trust.   

T/ACC Singleton will report to the Board’s Partnership Committee in April 2021 regarding the formal way forward for the Community Relations Taskforce, following the analysis of consultation workshops which commenced in February 2021. The formation of this pathway will continue to be a central area of focus in the coming year and I look forward to updating the Board on progress on a regular basis throughout 2021.

Dolores Kelly - SDLP