PSNI Procurement Policy is to obtain goods and services through competition and to permit suppliers the opportunity to compete for business.
Only in exceptional circumstances, where there are substantive and defensible reasons for so doing, should Direct Award Contracts (DACs) be considered. Possible examples where a DAC may be appropriate are:
- Technical necessity due to compatibility (e.g. use of approved spare parts);
- Exclusivity because of proprietary rights of supplier (e.g. when dealing with specialist software); &
- Extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseen by the Police Service (e.g. G8 & potentially EU Exit).
Shortage of time is not an adequate justification for a DAC.
Due to their exceptional nature, there is a detailed control framework and approval process before any DAC can be awarded. This includes:
- Detailed guidance on the use of DACs
- The need for a clear Business Appraisal, ensuring value for money
- All DAC requests must be submitted in a proscribed format
- Declaration of any conflicts of interest
- Prior approval by the Chief Officer of the Department
- Advice from Central Procurement Department (CPD)
- Authorisation by the Chief Constable & Departmental Accounting Officer if the DAC is greater than £100k
- Reporting to Service Executive Board, Audit and Risk Assurance Committee , the Board’s Resources Committee; DOJ & CPD
- Test drilling & audit by DOJ
The current DACs which have been rolled over and awarded are as follows:
- Helicopter Service Repair and Maintenance: subject to an earlier DAC from 01/08/16 to 31/12/18.
- Resizing of Body Armour (to modify existing stock to fit the changing size profile of current Police Recruits): subject to an earlier DAC from 07/10/15 to 06/10/18.
- Tracing Services (company used to trace families and witnesses from trouble related deaths): subject to an earlier DAC from 08/10/17 to 07/10/18.
- Video Management Service (maintenance of recording and uploading equipment in aircrafts): subject to an earlier DAC from 10/11/15 to 11/11/18.