Covert Human Intelligence Sources

Date asked:
Board Member:Dolores Kelly
Question type:Written


Are there presently any circumstances when the PSNI would authorise a CHIS to engage in criminal conduct in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland, and if so whether the PSNI accordingly notify the relevant Irish authorities of same?  In relation to the envisaged provision under the CHIS (Criminal Conduct) bill for the PSNI to issue Criminal Conduct Authorisations (CCA) that may ‘authorise’ a CHIS to engage in criminal conduct in the Republic of Ireland; whether if the PSNI were granting such a CCA they would then notify the Irish authorities that they had done so?


The legislation governing the use of Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) is subject of regular oversight by the Independent Power’s Commissioners Office (IPCO). IPCO provides oversight and authorisation of the use of investigatory powers by intelligence agencies, police forces and public authorities.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland shall follow carefully the development of the CHIS (Criminal Conduct) Bill. Relevant authorities would be informed as appropriate and necessary.

Dolores Kelly - SDLP