Chief Constable Engagement with External Organisations

Date asked:
Board Member:Mike Nesbitt
Question type:Written


Whether the Chief Constable has refused to meet the Loyalist Communities Council, and if so, what criteria he applies to deciding upon meeting requests, given he met Community Restorative Justice, including an individual with a conviction for the murders of Corporals Wood and Howes?


I have had a direct meeting by telephone with the Chair of the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC), Mr David Campbell.

Community Restorative Justice Ireland (CRJI) is an accredited restorative justice agency that receives public funding. I met with CRJI in response to a request from them to do so. Indeed, the Police Service of Northern Ireland has had ongoing engagement with CRJI for a number of years. The coinciding of the meeting with the anniversary of the brutal murder of Corporals Howes and Wood was a genuine oversight on the part of this office.

I am very much aware that my meeting people with history similar to the CRJI representative referred to will be difficult for some people. I do not wish anything I do in that regard to be viewed as undermining my genuine sympathy and respect for all of those who experienced loss as a result of our violent past. However consistent with the test of a legitimate policing purpose I do consider it appropriate and desirable to engage with all elements of the Northern Ireland justice framework. 

Mike Nesbitt - UUP