PSNI Funding pressure

Date asked:
Committee:Resources committee
Question type:Written

Resources Committee heard at its meeting on Thursday 19 September that PSNI is currently reporting a £4.6 million funding pressure, can the Chief Constable please provide an update on how he intends to control PSNI’s spending to limit the current funding pressure for the remainder of the year.

PSNI has highlighted the current funding pressure to the Department of Justice in its recent in-year pressures exercise and are waiting for the formal outcome of this bid. PSNI has worked closely with the Board and Department on monitoring the overall financial position and is hopeful that some assistance will be possible.

In addition, confirmation has just been received of a further £3.1m for PSNI’s in-year EU Exit preparations. This funding will contribute to reducing the overall projected pressure.

Alongside funding issues, each budget holder is critically reviewing projected costs for the remainder of this financial year to identify potential areas were costs could be reduced or curtailed.

Financial information and projected pressures are monitored monthly and prudent adjustments are considered for action by budget heads.

PSNI will continue to keep the Board informed of progress towards achieving a balanced budget each month at the Resources Committee.