PSNI Overtime

Date asked:
Committee:Resources committee
Question type:Written


The Resources Committee were recently advised that there is a direct correlation between officer and staff numbers and the necessity for overtime spend in that more available officers and staff to meet demand should see a reduction on the reliance on overtime. However the committee was previously advised that an increase in staff might actually equal an increase in overtime. Whilst further clarification was sought Members are still not clear on how this situation is possible therefore the Chief Constable is asked if a clear explanation could be provided.


  • Assuming no change in demand, a significant and sustained investment in increased officer and staff numbers would enable less reliance on overtime working and an associated reduction in overtime costs.
  • However, this is not a simple mathematical formula. For example, the level of increased officers or staff available, the level of future demand, any current backlogs of demand, the allocation of resources, available skills etc. will all influence the extent to which reductions in overtime working can be delivered, especially in the short term.
  • As a result, the empirical evidence is that an initial surge in resources can often bring with it an increase in overtime and other related costs, which only translates to reduced overtime working in the longer term.
  • The 2 assertions above are not necessarily exclusive but highlight different aspects of a complex equation.