Investigation into online threats made against journalists

Date asked:
Board Member:John Blair
Question type:Written


Can PSNI give a progress update on investigations in relation to a number of serious online threats made against individuals, including journalists and their families?


A Journalist Safety Group has been established to co-ordinate our response to such activity.  It is headed by a Chief Superintendent. In addition a Journalist Safety Officer has been appointed to provide a single point of contact for all journalists subject to such threats.

A Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) has been appointed to co-ordinate and quality assure all such investigations.  We are currently investigating three offences in relation to online threats dating from October 2019 to May 2021. A number of offenders have also been identified and files submitted to the Public Prosecution Service (PPS).

Jurisdiction to deal with these offences is determined by where the offender is at the time of the offence. When necessary, we have referred investigations to Police elsewhere in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and have taken forward investigations referred to us by other Police Services, or reported directly to us by victims in other jurisdictions.

The Malicious Communications (Northern Ireland) Order 1988, has not been updated as the law in England and Wales was some years ago. Northern Ireland law does not include electronic communications, nor is it indictable.

As a result, in cases of online threats, we enforce the summary offences within the Communications Act 2003. There are a number of offences, contained within Section 127 of the Communications Act, all under the bracket of improper use of public electronic communications network. Within Section 127(a), separate offences exist for sending grossly offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing messages; or for causing such messages to be sent. Within section 127(b), separate offences exist for sending messages known to be untrue for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; causing these messages to be sent, or persistently makes use of a public communications network for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.

John Blair - Alliance