Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030
The Board’s draft Corporate Plan sets out our proposed objectives for the next five years. It also gives more information on how we’ll deliver against these objectives, as well as our vision, values, and the strategic context of the Plan.
The four proposed outcomes are:
- To monitor PSNI's resourcing plans, advocating on issues which support policing, including transformational change and delivery of a representative service
- To monitor, oversee and assess the performance of the PSNI through the Board and its Committees and ensure the delivery of Human Rights based, community focused policing
- Through engagement and collaboration, to raise awareness of the Board's work, to enable local communities, PCSPs and partners to support the delivery of policing outcomes
- To deliver independent, fair and transparent processes for former serving officers in line with the Police Pension, Injury Benefit and Appeal legislation
These outcomes are designed to support the draft Policing Plan 2025-2030 outcomes, which are:
- PSNI is victim focused
- We have safe and engaged communities with confidence in policing
- PSNI have a representative, valued and enabled workforce
Read the Consultation Document and Equality Screening
Responding to the Consultation
Our draft Corporate Plan 2025-2030 Consultation will be open until 3 March 2025, and has two questions designed to let you have your say:
- Do you agree with the Board's objectives over the coming years?
- Are there any other issues you think we should consider in our Corporate Plan?
You can respond to the consultation by emailing your response to corporateplan@nipolicingboard.org.uk
Previous Corporate Plans
The current Corporate Plan sets out the key areas of work for the Board from April 2023 to March 2025. This Plan was developed through public consultation, and your feedback helped us form the outcomes, objectives, and actions within it.
You can find the latest Corporate and Business Plans in our Publications Section.