Actions taken by PSNI to measure and reduce its carbon foot print

Date asked:
Board Member:Paul Nolan
Question type:Written

What steps have been taken by the PSNI to (I) measure and (ii) reduce its carbon footprint?

  • One of the Foundation Principles of the organisation states, “We will be a responsible partner who takes the sustainability of our environment seriously.”
  • Energy used by the PSNI to service the built estate includes all electricity, natural gas, heating oil, LPG and biomass (wood pellets).
  • Whilst energy usage is primarily measured in kWh’s, the financial costs and associated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions are also monitored and reported as these all have important associated budgets and targets.
  • PSNI has a strong track record in reducing Carbon emissions, including meeting Government targets e.g. a 30% carbon reduction target was set for 2020 – PSNI achieved the target in 2018.
  • PSNI undertake a range of energy saving works each year which include:

1. Boiler upgrades to improve efficiency;

2. Installation of LED lighting;

3. Upgrade of metering and improvement of Building Energy Management systems;

4. Use of building refurbishment and re-purposing projects as opportunities to cost effectively incorporate energy saving measures/features

5. New Air-Conditioning systems and Chillers to use lower Global Warming Potential, GWP, refrigerants such as R32.

  • The Carbon emissions from fuel used by the PSNI’s vehicle fleet or any indirect emissions related to work related travel are not included in the above comments

Paul Nolan - Independent