Topics discussed at 5 September Board meeting

Following the Board meeting today, 5 September 2024, please find below a series of statements on topics discussed to be attributed to Board Chair, Mukesh Sharma MBE DL.


"The Board remains deeply concerned about the ongoing number of racially motivated attacks across the country in the wake of violent anti-immigration riots. This is totally unacceptable.

"Racism is a societal failure that will need to be tackled throughout and at all levels of public life. Tackling it is not solely the responsibility of PSNI, who are often left to pick up the pieces when these insidious ideas have been allowed to take root, grow, and become the kind of violent, targeted attacks we’ve seen in the last few weeks.

"We heard today from the Chief Constable and ACC Singleton about their targeted approach to tackling hate crime, and how they plan to ensure those who take part in these disgraceful actions are dealt with swiftly and appropriately.

"The Board also notes that the capacity of PSNI to respond is undermined by cuts in officer numbers and budget pressures, in particular the reduction in Neighbourhood Officers from a level of 900 to 500."


"The Board has discussed, sought to highlight, and supported numerous Chief Constables in their lobby against cuts to police funding in Northern Ireland.

Over the course of the summer, the seriousness and detrimental impact of the PSNI’s financial situation has come to a head. This is unacceptable, and untenable.

At today’s meeting, the Board recorded its thanks to those officers and staff who had to work around the clock during disorder and to the Police Scotland officers who provided PSNI with mutual aid.

We will continue to support the Chief Constable in lobbying for appropriate funding and as discussed in today’s public session, will continue to stress the importance of prioritising policing through the Programme for Government.

The safety of the people in Northern Ireland is, in our view, non-negotiable."


"Horrifically, over the course of one week last month, two women were brutally murdered in their own homes. They join an ever-growing list of those who have lost their lives and been subject to life-altering attacks as we see growing levels of violence against women and girls in this country.

The Board has today asked the Chief Constable to provide a report on learning from the serious case reviews that PSNI are undertaking, which we hope will provide reassurance for the public about how the police meet the needs of female victims."


"The Board is aware of ongoing commentary around the independent review of the Board.

This review is being undertaken by the Department of Justice. The Board has written to the Justice Minister previously requesting an update on any progress made, and following our meeting today, will write again."


"Our thoughts are with those impacted by all the issues discussed today. 

The people who commit crimes targeting those who are most vulnerable in our society often use the same fear and intimidation tactics they inflict on their victims to stop others from speaking out.

If members of the public feel unable to report to PSNI directly, they can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at"