Engagement Strategy 2023-25


Do You Know Engagement Strategy graphic

The Policing Board has a responsibility to encourage people and partners to work with and support the police in preventing crime. It has an Engagement Strategy which aims to deliver strategic and purposeful engagement with key stakeholders and the wider community and provides a framework to enable the Board to be proactive to community needs in respect of independent oversight of policing. 

The Policing Board’s Engagement activities are defined and delivered across 3 distinct strands:

  • Strand 1 - Engagement with the Community through Partnership & Collaboration (inc. Sectoral Groups) 
  • Strand 2 - Engagement with Stakeholders (inc. Statutory Stakeholders) 
  • Strand 3 - Consultation, Research and Reports

A copy of the Board's Engagement Strategy 2023-2025 can be found here. 

Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs)

The Board supports and monitors the work of PCSPs. To find out more about their work, view our PCSPs section.

Surveys and Research

In order to inform its work the Board engages with the wider community and uses Omnibus Surveys and Research to support this. To find out more view our Publications Section.

Community Safety Strategic Delivery Board

The Board works with the Department of Justice and partner organisations in support of the Community Safety Framework. The purpose of the Community Safety Framework is to ensure effective connectivity between the community safety work of the responsible agencies and provide an operational roadmap on how to collectively deliver the safer community objectives set out in the PfG and Community Plans, whilst providing the mechanism to respond proactively and reactively to operational need This is in line with commitments made in the Programme for Government. More information can be found about this work here: https://www.justice-ni.gov.uk/community-safety-framework

To keep up to date with the work the Board does in engaging with the community, you can view our news section and follow us on Facebook and Twitter