Board Chair Anne Connolly has welcomed the phase in of the new PSNI Local Policing Teams in Districts. She said:
“It is welcome that the Chief Constable’s new local policing teams are now being introduced into the 11 PSNI Districts. As a Board we fully supported plans to align the Service with the new Council areas and remodel available policing resources to focus on the particular needs of the community in each area.
The commitment by the police to build their knowledge of issues in geographical areas and better understand the issues affecting the community is very positive. Looking forward, there are great opportunities for the police to work much more collaboratively with others to improve and respond to issues of community concern. As a Board we believe the Policing and Community Safety Partnerships have a key role to play in that and we look forward to developing plans on this in the time ahead.”
For any further information please contact the Board’s Communications Office on 07801 738795